Why transparency matters

At findmyNotary it would be fair to say we are pretty much obsessed with transparency:

  • Transparency of Fees
  • Transparency of Services
  • Transparency of Reviews

So why does it matter so much? Here are just a handful of reasons why:

  1. People and businesses are drawn to companies who are transparent, increasing revenue by up to 44%. Our Associates are working to protect and grow their business by getting ahead of the customer’s demands for clarity. The philosophy is simple, give the market what it wants!  
  2. The Notary rules and codes of practice require a Notary to make known in advance to a customer:

“the basis upon which (the) fee will be calculated or the fee to be charged for the work done”

  1. The Legal Services Board has demanded a step change in the standards of transparency in the Legal industry to help consumers:
    1. Understand price
    2. Understand services
    3. Understand redress available
    4. Compare providers
  1. The CMA reported transparency was key to ensure consumers could be confident about the price and services received from legal practitioners

At findmyNotary our proud Associates are doing just that and working with businesses and consumers to provide Notary services in a faster and more transparent way.

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